
Wyoming Resources

Medical Bills/Mortgage Assistance

Every county in Wyoming has the CARES grant available. You may have to do some digging in your county to find out who administers the grant for your county.  In Lincoln and Sublette County the grant is administered by Chereon Hoopes.  She works out of the High Country Behavioral Health Office.  This grant will pay your mortgage or your medical bills.  This is the only medical bill relief I have found so I started here first

Chereon C Hoopes
Grant Manager
High Country Behavioral Health
307-885-9883 ext. 114
389 Adams, PO Box 376
Afton WY 83110

Wyoming Foundation for Cancer Care

This is a foundation that will help you pay your mortgage or other bills while you are in active cancer treatment.  They will not help you with medical bills.  They help with about $1000 per year.  

Application Link

and you must email it with proof of being in active treatment to wyfoundationcancercare@gmail.com

This program says they make decisions on a case by case basis.  I believe that this income guide is a good way to decide if you should apply or not.  Here is the link to apply:  https://www.lieapwyo.org