One small word…. Cancer, a word that no one wants to hear, and I was no exception to that. My name is Whytney, and this is my story. It was Aug 9, 2018, when we went in for yet another doctor’s appointment because like always, I was having pain in my right upper leg. I was getting ready to walk into another appointment where I would come out with no one knowing what was going on. Instead, I should’ve been getting ready to be told how my life was about to get flipped upside down with one small word. I was 16 years old, very healthy (except for the knee pain), and was very active. So why would my pain be anything else but a torn muscle or small fracture? How very wrong was I.

When we met with the doctor that morning, it started off like all the other appointments with the same set of questioning, “How long have you had this pain?” “Where is this pain at?” so on and so forth. After going through all the protocol questions, I got told it was time to get an X-ray. Out of all the doctors that I had seen throughout the last year, he was the first one to suggest an X-ray.

Once the X-ray was finally done, we nervously waited to hear the results. It didn’t take long to get the call…… the call that your life is about to change, and it’s going to change fast. I had to go back in for even more test, because when your X-ray lights up like a Christmas tree you know there is no way the cancer has not spread. That was the day I was diagnosed with stage 4 Ewing’s Sarcoma. For you who don’t know, Ewing’s Sarcoma is a cancer that occurs in the bones or soft tissues, and I had a mass in my right femur along with about 40+ nodules in my lungs.

This is the first blog post of hopefully many. In this blog I want to go over the good and the bad, but most importantly I want to go over what to do for a child, teen, or young adult emotionally, physically, and I’ll even say spiritly.