When you find yourself in a situation where you are being given a diagnosis and a treatment plan for cancer, information is going to be coming at you fast.  My husband and I sat in the doctor’s office dumbfounded.  We didn’t even know what to ask. We didn’t know where to start making a plan.  My best friend, Amy, had asked if we wanted her to come and be with us.  I needed her.  My husband was and is supportive, but I needed her cool headed charisma.  The entire time the doctor talked to us, she took notes.  She asked questions to fill in the blanks.  She asked the questions that we couldn’t even remember that we had.  She made an organized dictation out of a jumbled up mess.  She came to all my appointments that we were receiving.  This happened over and over.  Every appointment where a new doctor or new information was given, she was there.   I didn’t understand how important it is to have someone that is organized and professional to accompany you to the doctor!  It was like my own personal assistant.  If you can be that person for someone I encourage you to do it.  It was essential for my husband and I to have Amy with us to help us confidently face the options head on and with accurate information.  You will find yourself with so much information coming from so many doctors.  I had a surgeon, a radiation oncologist, an oncologist, and my family care doctor back at home.  You won’t receive all of the information at once.  You won’t know what to ask because in the heat of the moment you will forget. Find yourself a personal assistant.  I have provided what I feel like is the most important notes for your treatment.